Dätcha Mandala

Datcha Mandala
GenreRock 70's, heavy blues

Dätcha Mandala is an endless search for balance between the Material and the Spiritual, a kind of ultra-sensory experience influenced by the musical effervescence of the Seventies to the present day. It's a journey between heavy, powerful rock, traditional folk and tribal incursions from the East and North Africa. Since 2009, over 550 concerts in 12 European countries and across the Atlantic (New York, Montreal). LES INSUS (Ex-Téléphone) will not be mistaken. Witnessing the band's performance at La Nuit de L'Erdre in 2017, they invited Dätcha Mandala two months later to open for them at the Stade de France in front of over 35,000 people! On November 10 of the same year, the band's first album, “ROKH”, recorded entirely in analog with Clive Martin (Queen, Tom Yorke, The Cure, Midnight Oil...), is released on the MRS Red Sound label. After a hundred or so dates in France, Europe and North America, the band's second album, “Hara”, is recorded and released in 2020. This second album sees the band's contribution to the awakening of ecological awareness assert itself. After a 5-track EP released in 2017, the band's 4th album “Koda” saw the light of day last April. A highly varied and melodic album with enormous production values, it is highly recommended to listen to it.